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maple air


October 29, 2018

Should You Repair or Replace Your Furnace?

There comes a point where your furnace will start experiencing issues. Unfortunately, as the years go by, it is inevitable to avoid functional problems. Just as a vehicle will begin to decline in functionality, so does your furnace. The question is, should...

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October 23, 2018

Reasons Every Home Should Have a Fireplace

When you are looking to purchase a home, or make an improvement to an existing one, buying a property with a fireplace would be a great option. There are several reasons why all homes should have fireplaces and why you should make sure that you get one in your...

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October 12, 2018

Advantages of Electric Fireplaces

Electric fireplaces are very popular in the GTA. If you don't already have them in your home, you're really missing out. Basically, electric fireplaces provide you with a similar look as more traditional fireplaces, but they use electricity rather than wood or...

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October 05, 2018

The Importance of Protection and Maintenance Plans

Because life is full of uncertainties, wisdom dictates that homeowners should take precautions against unforeseen circumstances that can suddenly appear out of nowhere. Unfortunately, some people tend to procrastinate when it seems like everything is flowing...

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September 30, 2018

Preparing Your Home for the Fall Season

Fall is a time of transition. Not only are we moving closer to the busiest holidays of the year, we're moving through a change in weather. Getting your home ready for those two changes means a number of tasks that need to be taken care of in the...

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September 21, 2018

Gas Fireplace vs. Wood Burning Fireplace

Everyone loves the idea of cozying up next to a roaring fire on a cold night. In fact, fireplaces are considered to be one of the most sought-after features by homebuyers. This brings up the question, which is better – a wood burning fireplace or a gas...

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