New Year Resolutions for Your Home in 2022
Happy new year! As we enter 2022, you may start setting goals and intentions for the rest of the year. Often times people will set personal goals, career goals, health goals, but what about goals for your home? You spend a lot of time in your home, especially...
Bad HVAC Habits You Need to Leave in 2021
It is the final day of 2021. As we move into the new year, it is common to reflect on our past. There’s certain habits we may want to bring into the new year, while other habits that are best to leave behind. HVAC is a bigger part of your life than you may...
How To Spruce Up Your Home This Holiday Season
You can create a whole new home ambience during the holiday season. Both tasteful and function, we’ll teach you how to make your home a hit for the holidays. Here’s a few tips from the Maple Air Heating and Cooling team:Cozy UpNothing adds to the holiday...
HVAC Tips For The Holiday Season
The holidays are quickly approaching; gift-giving, family gatherings, and loads of holiday cheer. You don’t want to start the new year off with an unexpectedly high energy bill. Follow our HVAC tips this holiday season to better assure energy efficiency and...
Toronto Home Heating Solutions
Heating season is officially here. Moving into deep December, you should be well prepared for the freezing temperatures in the Greater Toronto Area. However, if you’re experiencing heating issues or looking for upgrades, here are some Toronto home heating...
Can Heat Pumps Work in Extremely Cold Temperatures?
Any resident in the Greater Toronto Area can understand how cold the Canadian weather truly is. -30 isn’t out of the norm here, so that means staying well heated indoors. For homeowners who own heat pumps, you may be wondering if heat pumps work in extremely...