November 25, 2022
As temperatures drop, moisture levels follow. No matter how well insulated your home is, cold air will naturally find its way into your home, resulting in a dry internal environment. Focusing on improving your indoor air quality by installing useful systems can help combat the issue.The Importance of Indoor Air Quality within Canadian Homes
Humidity Levels
A lack of humidity within your home can result in an array of issues. Firstly, it's important to understand how low humidity levels can impact your physical health. You may find yourself experiencing symptoms of dryness, for example dry throat, dry nose, dry eyes, and dry skin. Each of these symptoms has additional problems stemming from them, such as but not limited to difficulties breathing, poor sleep quality, coughing, and increased risk of infection. Additionally, low humidity levels negatively impact your home and can result in issues such as paint peeling, wallpaper shrinking, and wood floors separating.
When humidity levels drop, having a humidifier is essential to help supplement the low moisture levels. Living with low humidity levels will affect your quality of life during the winter season and directly impact your comfort. Rather than waking up feeling lethargic and dehydrated every day, consider installing a central humidifier in your home. At Maple Air Heating in Cooling, we specialize in improving your air quality. Call us today for any questions regarding humidity levels in your home.
Air Purification
Air circulation decreases during the winter months as a result of closed windows and doors. Because air circulation lessens, there becomes an increase in pollutants such as dust, dirt, and allergens. It's important to take extra measures during these colder months to ensure your home has good air quality. Be mindful of changing your furnace filter regularly. Take additional steps to improve the health and comfort of your family by installing an air cleaner. An air cleaner will eliminate 99% of pollutants from your home, ensuring that clean air circulates within your home.
Winters in Toronto are dry, but when you take these precautionary measures, you can expect a season of comfort and ease by eliminating airborne pathogens and increasing humidity levels. Contact Maple Air Heating and Cooling, serving the Greater Toronto Area, to inquire about improving the air quality in your home.