May 18, 2018
As the warmer weather is approaching many people start heading up to their cottages. Often times, people forget that they leave their HVAC system running for days while they are not home. Preparing your HVAC System before leaving on vacation is essential if you want it to stay in good condition, and if you want to avoid high energy bills. We have 5 tips that we recommend you follow before heading out the door. Preparing your HVAC System before leaving on Vacation
Replace the Air Filter
Having a brand new or recently cleaned air filter allows your HVAC system to run more efficiently. It is able to run more efficiently because with a clean filter the unit requires less energy to operate.
Clear Debris
Any debris around the system can obstruct proper airflow. If the debris continues to build up the HVAC unit’s performance will begin to decline and can lead to a mechanical failure.
Unplug unused appliances
Save energy by unplugging electrical appliances around your home that will not be used, such as your television, game systems, and cable systems. No one wants to return to an expensive energy bill after their relaxing trip.
Get a programmable thermostat
A programmable thermostat gives you the ability to set specific settings that allows the system to automatically control temperature. Now that the weather is warming up, it is best to turn up the temperature a few degrees so you are not spending loads of money on your home being cooled while you aren’t there.
Get a Professional to Check out your HVAC System
It is important get a professional technician to check out your HVAC system. If the system does have any problems or needs maintenance done, then a professional technician can get your HVAC system in the right condition to assure it is working as it should.
The last thing you want to do is come back from a nice vacation having to stress about any HVAC system issues. Contact Maple Air today to book an appointment with a professional technician. Don’t forget to prepare your HVAC system before leaving on vacation.