January 31, 2020
If your home is suddenly cooler than you want it to be -- or than you've set the thermostat -- you may be dealing with the common issue known as short cycling. Here's what you need to know before you call Maple Air, your heating and cooling company located in Vaughan.Is Your Furnace Short Cycling?
What Is Short Cycling?
What is short cycling? This phrase refers to a furnace shutting off before reaching the desired temperature. The cycle is literally shorter than it should be. The furnace will typically near the desired temperature but never reach it. You may notice that your furnace repeats this process multiple times per hour, even if the desired temperature is reached.
What Causes a Furnace to Short Cycle?
Short cycling might be caused by a safety feature known as a limit switch, a device that senses the temperature of the furnace and indicates to the blower fan when it should turn on and off. During a short cycle, the limit switch shuts down the furnace before the heat exchanger can get too hot and cause damage.
Another safety feature known as the flue limiter can cause the furnace to shut down when your flue is clogged while a flame sensor will shut down the system when the igniter fails or if the flame sensor is dirty. Ultimately, these things keep you safe, even if they may be temporarily inconvenient. These issues could be fixed by licensed professionals from Maple Air Heating and Cooling, located in Vaughan, to return the furnace to normal operating capacity.
However, there might be other issues causing your furnace to short cycle. These include a faulty thermostat. If your batteries have been replaced recently, it may need to be replaced entirely. A clogged air filter may also be the culprit because it prevents air from moving the heat exchanger, and you can, fortunately, replace that on your own. If your furnace is too large for your home, it can also lead to short cycling and, with it, higher heating bills. In these cases, replacing the furnace may be your best option.
To thoroughly investigate the Short Cycling of your furnace, contact experts from Maple Air and have your furnace checked and repaired.