March 29, 2018
Air conditioning and indoor coils sometimes become home to molds, bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms. This can affect the air quality in your home. For cleaner air, we recommend the CARRIER® UV-Lamp.Improve Home Air Quality with UV-Lamps
You may ask, “Why the CARRIER UV-Lamp instead of other brands?” These lamps are the most trusted in the clean air industry because they have a unique technology to improve home air quality. This makes the UV-Lamps by CARRIER® most efficient and reliable in zapping and killing these pollutants.
How UV Lamps Improve Air Quality
UV Lamps work by delivering a chronic dose of ultraviolet energy that kills 99.9% of the bacteria, molds, viruses, and other organisms. They are designed with the right amount of UV intensity needed to destroy contaminant and pollutants. The bulbs used to provide UV light are optimized to operate at temperatures to prevent further growth of air contaminants in your home.
Benefits of Using UV-Lamps
UV Lamps effectively improve home air quality by killing bacteria and mold growing on the indoor coil, reducing microbial build-up on coils, and enhancing air flow.
Health: Fresh, clean air in your home is important to safeguarding the health and well-being of you and your family. By killing 99.9% of the contaminants, your indoor air quality is improved, and the risk of health problems is reduced. Now your family can live in the comfort of a cleaner, healthier environment.
Safety: The UV Light is reliable, non-toxic, and safe. Other similar devices treat air contaminants ineffectively. They do not have the level of UV energy required to remove the maximum amount of germs. Such devices may also release harmful radicals into the air.
Effectiveness: UV Lamps are proven more effective than conventional cleaning systems that use steam or chemicals. The CARRIER® UV-Lamp uses a 75-watt light bulb to keep your indoor air clean and fresh and tend to last for years. A quick bulb replacement once a year and minimal maintenance are all you to do to keep them running efficiently.
You will protect your family's well-being when you improve your home's air quality. Find out more information and how UV-Lamps would be right fit for your home here!