April 12, 2018
Humidifiers are machines that are designed to increase the level of humidity in your home or business and improve air quality. Humidity levels are naturally low in some environments, like deserts and mountainous areas, but they can also fall to low levels when homes and businesses are heated during the winter months. Very dry air may lead to problems in diverse areas of life, including health, industry, and art preservation. Improve Air Quality with Humidifiers
When humidity levels in your home become too low, mucous membranes in the throat, lungs, and nose can dry out quickly, leading to respiratory problems like sinusitis, asthma, and bronchitis. Skin, lips, and even hair can suffer from too much dry air. Taking steps to improve air quality by using a humidifier will result in better health for you and your family.
Static electricity may seem to be a minor issue related to accidentally shocking people when you touch them, or having your hair sticking straight out after brushing, but it is actually a serious problem in many settings. Low humidity causes static electricity to build up and can produce dangerous sparks in data centres or hospital surgical suites. The use of institutional humidifiers is crucial to avoid equipment and fire damage, as well as possible human injuries.
Art Preservation
Low relative humidity isn't kind to paper, books, or works of art. Paper will start to shrink and curl up in dry conditions. Brittleness and warping may also occur. Art galleries use humidifiers to protect and preserve the priceless works of art on display for visitors. Important papers, books, and photos in your home may also fall victim to dry air damage.
Maple Air Heating and Cooling offers a wide selection of whole home humidifiers to ensure that your home has unsurpassed air quality all year long. Certified, knowledgeable, and licensed technicians are standing ready to provide service to you and your family or business with honest, competitive pricing and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Contact us today to set up an appointment!