June 02, 2022
Ductless heat pumps in the Greater Toronto Area are an extremely efficient and cost-effective heating and cooling solution. If you are in the market for a new heating and cooling system, consider a ductless heat pump. Many individuals are unaware of why and how ductless systems are such an efficient option. Today, we will be diving deep into heat pumps and the wonderful benefits they offer homeowners.Ductless Heat Pumps
How Does a Ductless Heat Pump Work
A ductless heat pump is a heating and cooling system that does not require ductwork. Instead, it uses individual air handlers or blowers mounted on the walls or ceilings of your home. These air handlers are connected to an outdoor unit via refrigerant lines.
As mentioned previously, a component of a ductless heat pump is an outdoor unit. During the winter, this outdoor unit uses a refrigerant that pulls ambient heat from the air outside, then transports it to the heat pump unit inside your home. The warm air is then circulated throughout your home with the help of air handlers.
Ductless heat pumps can also provide cooling during the summertime. During the cooling cycle, the process is reversed. The outdoor unit draws heat from inside your home and this heat is ejected into the outside air. The cool air is then circulated throughout your home by the air handlers.
Benefits of Ductless Heat Pumps
Ductless heat pumps are a green technology that can provide many benefits for homeowners in the Greater Toronto Area. They can help overall reduce energy costs as a much smaller amount of electricity is needed for a ductless heat pump. The heat pumps transfer heat instead of generating it, which makes it much more efficient than traditional heating and cooling systems.
A ductless heat pump is an excellent option to avoid issues associated with ductwork and saves time required for installation. Ductwork installation will require destruction and repair of your living space. On the other hand, a ductless heat pump takes significantly less time to install and requires minor modification to your home. Ductless heat pumps are widely used for both homes and supplemental areas like offices, garages, guesthouses or workshops. It is a great option because unnecessary ductwork and major renovations can be avoided.
A great benefit of ductless heat pumps is the customizability; a ductless heat pump can connect to multiple indoor units. A ductless air system allows you to have flexibility and control over the location of the indoor units. The temperature in each premise can be controlled individually to match your personal heating and cooling needs. You can install as many indoor units and place them in the areas where you want to regulate the temperature.
Cold Climate Heat Pump and Regular Heat Pump
There are two types of heat pumps: the cold climate heat pump and the regular heat pump. Both types of heat pumps work by transferring heat from one place to another, but they differ in how they can operate in different climates.
Cold Climate Heat Pump
A cold climate heat pump is designed to work in colder climates, where the temperature outside can drop as low as -25 to -30 degrees Celsius. It allows the system to provide heating even in extreme temperatures. Cold climate heat pumps are an efficient solution that uses green technology and is an excellent option for Canadian weather.
Regular Heat Pump
A regular heat pump is not as effective in colder climates as it cannot reverse the direction of the refrigerant flow. A regular heat pump can only transfer heat from the outside to indoors when the temperature outside is above -15 degrees Celsius. A regular heat pump functions the same way as an air conditioner in the summertime, and during the wintertime, it will provide supplemental heating within moderate cold temperatures. Typically, a regular heat pump is not considered a major heating source for your home.
If you live in a climate where the temperature outside can drop below -20 degrees Celsius, then a cold climate heat pump is more suitable for you. However, if you live in a climate where the temperatures are moderate, then a regular heat pump will be a sufficient option.
Explore the wonders a heat pump can bring you; lower costs, flexibility, and comfort. At Maple Air Heating and Cooling, serving the Greater Toronto Area, we are ready to help you pick the right solution for your home’s ideal environment. Contact us today to learn more!