October 21, 2022
We understand that living costs aren't cheap in the Greater Toronto Area. Nowadays, every dollar makes an impact. So the question is: why spend more than you need to on your energy bills? Get the most out of your buck by choosing energy efficient solutions for your space.Are Tankless Water Heaters More Energy Efficient?
Tankless Water Heater Brief
First, let's have a general understanding of tankless water heaters. Tankless water heaters are on-demand hot water providers that can be electric or gas operated. When a user turns on the hot water faucet, cold water begins to flow via a heat exchanger. The heat source depends on whether the tankless water heater is gas or electric, which is responsible for heating the water and providing the user with an instant supply of hot water.
The Big Question
Are tankless water heaters more energy efficient? Absolutely. Tankless water heaters are found to be an average of 30% more energy efficient in comparison to traditional water heaters. Traditional water heaters hold and store water. As this water sits, it loses its heat and causes the heater to continuously turn on to heat the water. However, because a tankless water heater provides hot water when necessary, heat consumption is also only used when necessary. Even though tankless water heaters have a higher initial upfront cost in comparison to traditional water heaters, this should not scare off homeowners as the long term savings will outweigh the initial cost. In short, a tankless water heater is designed to work only when you need it to, and this model allows homeowners to save on their monthly energy bills.
In addition to the energy savings that tankless water heaters bring homeowners, many have also reaped additional benefits. For instance, tankless water heaters are small and do not take up much space in comparison to the traditional bulky option. Furthermore, tankless water heaters have longer lifespans allowing you to enjoy on demand hot water for years to come.
Installing a Tankless Water Heater in the Greater Toronto Area
Looking for a tankless water heater in the Greater Toronto Area? Contact our team at Maple Air Heating and Cooling or browse our website to see our available options. We're happy to help you find the most suitable tankless water heater for your home. For inquiries or installation appointments, give us a call today!